Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health (QRSEH) is the first international journal solely dedicated to the advancement and debate of qualitative research within sport and exercise psychology, sport sociology, sports coaching, sport pedagogy, sport policy, and sports and exercise medicine. Providing a forum for qualitative researchers within all the social scientific areas of sport, exercise, and health the journal offers researchers, practitioners, and students access to cutting edge empirical inquiry, scholarly dialogues, and the latest developments in qualitative methodologies and methods.
The Co-Editors-in-Chief of QRSEH are Kerry R. McGannon (Laurentian University, Canada) and Michael Atkinson, (University of Toronto, Canada).
For further information about the Advisory and Editorial Board members:
The book series Qualitative Research in Sport and Physical Activity is the first of its kind within the field that has as its mandate the necessary advancement of qualitative methodologies and their intersection with theory and practice. It is edited by Michael D. Giardina (Florida State University) and Brett Smith (Durham University). The series aspires to promote the diversity of qualitative research enacted across the sport and exercise sciences, such as ethnography, narrative inquiry, participatory action research, digital methods, feminist and poststructural theory, and new materialism and onto-epistemologies. Books in the series will develop new and innovative methodologies, serve as ‘how-to’ guides for conducting research, engage with provocative questions over evidence, knowledge, and research practices, and present empirical research findings.

Please contact Michael D. Giardina at mgiardina@admin.fsu.edu and Brett Smith at brett.smith@durham.ac.uk to discuss a possible book for the series.
For a guide to develop proposals for a book: