Early Career Researcher Award

Sponsored by Routledge/Taylor and Francis, and the journal Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, we are pleased to announce the "Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise Early Career Researcher Award". The award will be bestowed to an early career scholar "in recognition of their significant scholarly contributions to qualitative research in sport and exercise sciences."
The winner of the award will receive:
A one-time QRSE2026 conference registration fee waiver.
Support with accommodation.
be recognized at the 10th International Conference on Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise (QRSE2026).
The recipient of the award must attend the 2026 conference to be held in Toronto, Canada. They will make a 20-30 minute (approximate) presentation at a general session to summarise their qualitative research activity that spans empirical, theoretical, and methodological qualitative work.
The presentation will centralise developments related to the impact the recipient’s work has had on the field of qualitative research, and/or the impact the qualitative work has had on the innovation or application of knowledge.
The recipient will be invited to submit a sole authored paper from their presentation to the journal, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health. The submission will be peer reviewed for inclusion in the section, ‘Contemporary Views and Provocations.’
The award is open to:​
Members of the International Society of Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise.
Who have received a PhD within the previous five (5) years of the Award year (i.e., for 2026, an individual would have had to receive their PhD between January 2020 and December 2025).
An individual shall be considered for the Award if they are a member of QRSE and the following documents are received:
1. A one page letter from the candidate outlining the accomplishments in qualitative research to date, and anticipated future contributions to the field;
2. A copy of the candidate’s most recent curriculum vitae;
3. Two representative scholarly publications pertaining to qualitative research by the nominee; (please provide description of role/contribution if work is co-authored)
4. Two supporting letters from referees who can speak to the quality and contributions of the candidate’s work in qualitative research and future potential to advance qualitative research in sport and/or exercise.
Please submit all of the above documents to
(Note: this is not the QRSE2026 conference address)
The criteria for evaluation includes publication record and other scholarly contributions to qualitative research in sport and exercise (e.g., scholarly journal articles, scholar book chapters, books, research reports, etc. that demonstrate an impact on the qualitative research knowledge base; scholarly presentations, invited talks, and/or keynote addresses; public engagement/public community translation; journal reviewing; graduate supervision and mentoring; and other awards the nominee may have received).
Productivity does not necessarily lead to a distinguished record. It should be clear that your work has impacted on and advanced qualitative research, and that the record of scholarship has been subjected to critical review of established scholars in the individual’s area of scholarship. In all cases, the collected works of the individual should demonstrate excellence in scholarship as it relates to qualitative research in sport and/or exercise.

Dr Javier Monforte
Durham University, UK