Distinguished Scholar Award
The Distinguished Scholar Award is bestowed at our biennial conference to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution and demonstrable impact over time to qualitative research in the context of sport, exercise, health and/or physical activity.
To nominate an outstanding individual, submit a 500-word statement (maximum) about a nominee whom you believe is a worthy recipient of this award. Please be clear about why they are deserving of the award in the statement in terms of their exceptional contribution and demonstrable impact over time to qualitative research in the context of sport, exercise, health and/or physical activity.
Award Eligibility
To be eligible for the award nominated individuals must also have demonstrated engagement with the International Society of Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise (QRSE). Examples of engagement include but are not limited to:
Membership of QRSE.
QRSE conference attendance.
QRSE book series contributor.
QRSE conference organiser.
Editorial board membership of, reviewing for and/or publishing in the journal Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health.
Nominations may be submitted by an individual, or jointly by a group of QRSE members.
Please submit nomination statements to the QRSE Distinguished Scholar Award committee QRSEsoc@gmail.com In the subject heading of the email please put ‘Nomination for Distinguished Scholar Award’.
The deadline for submission of nominations for QRSE2026 will be announced in due course.